Autism Resources

Part Three: Managing Problem Behaviors in the Community (Prevention & Recurrence)

Joshua Sleeper July 1, 2015

Managing Problem Behaviors in the Community is a 3-part series focused on providing resources for families of an individual with special needs. 

Click here to read Part One! 
Click here to read Part Two!

Step 4 – Identify How to Respond if the Challenging Behavior Reoccurs

Remember that problem behavior prevention is based on function. Always pre-plan and be prepared to FOLLOW THROUGH with your plan and consequences!

Example: If you tell a child they cannot watch a movie and they scream and lay on the floor for 30 minutes, you need to follow through and not provide access to the movie.

Step 5 – Replacement Behaviors

Identify what the child should do instead of the behavior they’ve initially presented. Help them by choosing an alternative, appropriate behavior that is equally as easy as the initial problem behavior, and gets the same kind of consequence as the challenging behavior (functionally equivalent).

Replacement behavior must be reinforced in the following manner to be an effective tool for problem behavior prevention:

  • Must be reinforced MORE OFTEN than the challenging behavior
  • AS QUICKLY as the challenging behavior
  • WITH AN EQUALLY VALUABLE REINFORCER as the challenging behavior

Effective Problem Behavior Prevention

The process of identifying motives for a challenging behavior, as it pertains to any situation/setting, is critical in guiding future behaviors. Within this blog we’ve discussed the following key areas to help you identify and curb problem behaviors:

  • ABCs of behavior
  • Reinforcement
  • Function of behavior
  • Strategies for problem behavior prevention
  • Reoccurrence planning

Looking for more information? Want to talk with a Trumpet Team Member about a particular problem behavior you’re experiencing? Request an Appointment now.

*Note: managing problem behavior can be a complex process and these recommendations are not meant to be a comprehensive or individualized recommendation. Consult with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst directly for more information and guidance on individual situations and challenges.