BlueSprig News COVID-19

6.10.20 COVID-19 Update

Joshua Sleeper June 10, 2020

Dear TBH Families,

We hope this note finds you and your family healthy and continuing to navigate the impact of COVID-19 as well as possible.

We remain committed to actively monitoring health and safety guidelines from the CDC and other health authorities as they are updated to address the evolving situation. This includes reopening our centers in locations where we can do so safely and in line with that guidance and our own safety policies and procedures.

We continue to offer telehealth and in-home services to our clients; however, we are happy to report that we are now in a position where we feel we can safely reopen our centers for in person therapy services. We have already restarted services in a number of our centers and are planning for the reopening of all of our centers in the coming weeks.

We have developed additional safety protocols (an overview of some of those is included below), we will be limiting the number of clients and team members in a center at any one time, and we will continue to monitor guidance from national and local health authorities to ensure we are providing the safest environment possible.

We of course understand that every family’s situation is different and has many factors to consider in making a choice to return to receiving services in one of our centers. We would encourage you to discuss your situation and your family members clinical needs with your Clinician and if comfortable confirm our ability to provide in center services to your family. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with you to ensure the level and location of services your family is currently receiving are the best options for you.

Please continue to monitor your own health, if you identify any symptoms, reach out and cancel your scheduled sessions. Please do not allow services to continue if you are exhibiting symptoms or meet any of the CDC’s guidelines warranting self-isolation or quarantine.

Thank you, as always, for the opportunity to serve your family.

Team TBH

Covid-19 Infographic