Dear TBH Families,
We are writing to share our response to the State of California’s shelter in place order and other ongoing restrictions introduced by various authorities. We continue to monitor these and other health and safety guidelines from state and federal authorities. Where necessary to comply with these guidelines we have closed our centers. We will continue to evaluate each location on a case by case basis and determine our ability to safely operate. If necessary, we will close additional centers.
However, based on your family’s medical needs and current guidance that essential health services should continue to be provided, we plan to continue to deliver services in all locations when we can do so safely.
We know that ABA treatment is critical to your family’s health. Thus, we continue to work with all of you to modify schedules to best meet your needs, match your availability to receive services and keep continuity of care whenever possible.
Please continue to monitor your own health – if you identify any symptoms, reach out and cancel your scheduled sessions. Please do not allow services to continue if you or your family are exhibiting symptoms or meet any of the CDC’s guidelines warranting self-isolation or quarantine. We desperately want to continue to serve your family, but only if we can do so in a manner that is safe for you and for our team members.
As you know, we have implemented stringent hygiene requirements and are being appropriately cautious with families and staff. Please see below for a reminder of the health and safety measures we have implemented including our Health Screening Policy. We will continue to take these and additional steps to ensure healthy teams and healthy clients.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at
Thank you as always for entrusting us with our family.
Your TBH Leadership team
As a reminder:
What does Trumpet do?
- Has instituted a Health Screening policy to be completed prior to all center and home-based service sessions
- Has arrangements in place with professional cleaning services that routinely clean all our locations
- Provides tissues and hand sanitizers throughout the workplace
- Follows workplace sanitation guidelines including providing appropriate supplies (soap, disinfectant wipes etc.) for recommended hand and materials hygiene practices
- Follows existing policies regarding sick clients or sick team members
- Requires any team member or client who has symptoms, a diagnosis or is being treated for a contagious disease that may pose a threat to the safety of our team members, clients or client families to immediately remove themselves from services and inform Trumpet HR as soon as possible
- Trumpet will also continue to follow federal and state guidelines regarding maintaining a safe workplace
What can you and our Team Members do?
Use the following precautions to reduce the potential spread of disease:
- Clean hands often by washing them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Cover hands and nose with a tissue or a sleeve – not hands – when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid contact with sick individuals and practice proper hygiene
- Avoid touching your mouth, eyes and face
- Follow current guidelines for cleaning materials and surfaces regularly with disinfectant wipes
- When showing symptoms of illness, stay home and care for yourself, and notify TBH of any important updates with your illness.
We will continue to monitor the situation and other health related news and update you on further precautionary steps as directed by state and regional public health organizations and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
New Health Screening Policy
Team TBH, as we continue to take steps to protect our Team Member’s and Clients’ health, we are instituting a new health screening policy.
When a team member or client enters a TBH center for the first time or prior to entering a home for a home-based session the following questions should be asked of all present:
- Do you now or have you in the last 24 hours had a fever or reasons to believe you may have a fever?
- Have you been in direct contact with any individual with a confirmed case of the Coronavirus?
- Have you in the last 14 days traveled to a country or region on the Centers for Diseases Control’s advisory list
- Do you have or have you had any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours – cough or shortness of breath?
If any of the above questions are answered in the affirmative, please immediately ask the individual/s to leave the location and cancel the session. If it occurs prior to starting a home-based session, please cancel the session before entering the residence. Please report this occurrence to HR and your supervisor.
If an individual refuses to answer any of the questions or is not able to, please ask them to leave until they can do so. If needed, please cancel the session.
If all the questions are answered negatively (meaning with a NO answer) please proceed with the scheduled session.
Please also require all individuals present to wash their hands with warm water and soap for a minimum of 20 seconds immediately upon entering the center or the residence before starting the sessions and in between sessions. If soap and water are not available and hands are not visibly dirty, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol may be used.