Autism Resources

Interview Tips for Adults with Autism Who Are Seeking a Job

BlueSprig April 17, 2023

Our best tips for individuals with autism preparing for a job interview

Preparing for an interview for a job can be daunting for anyone. For those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the social aspect of an interview, such talking with an individual they do not know may feel overwhelming and sometimes overstimulating – that’s where helpful tips like these come in. If you are an adult with autism who is going to be attending a job interview, the following tips will help you with how to prepare for an interview and what to practice beforehand.

Prepare ahead of time  

Preparing ahead of time will take some of the stress out of the interview. There are multiple ways to prepare beforehand, including hopping on a zoom call with a friend or family member. Whether the interview is online or in-person, meeting with someone to run through questions that could be asked during the interview can help think through answers. Commonly asked questions are:

  • What made you interested in applying for this position?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How would others describe you?
  • Could you give an example of a time when you showed leadership skills?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

After practicing your answers, it is important to remember that you should also interview the employer. Take time to write out questions you would like to ask the employer and the answers you want. Questions you should consider asking are:

  • What responsibilities will I hold in this position?
  • How would you describe the ideal candidate?
  • What is the most challenging part of this position?
  • What values does this company have and practice?
  • What does this position look like on a day-to-day basis?

Create a list of your skills 

A great way to gauge your skill set and what you bring to the table is by listing your strengths, allowing you to determine what you enjoy doing and what career path best suits your skills and passions. Repetition is key during this step. Continuously reminding yourself what you can offer a company will begin building self-confidence, which you can later use while in the interview.

Research the company   

Researching the company you will be interviewing with prior to the initial interview will help you to understand the company’s culture and values. During the interview, the employer may ask, “What interests you about working at this company?” This is your chance to explain what you have learned about the company and shows the employer just how interested you are in the position and the business.

Body language and tone 

Your body language and tone can determine whether the employer believes you are interested in the position and shows that you can work in a group setting where communication is vital. Taking time to rehearse the tone you will use when speaking with an employer will allow you to step out of your comfort zone before the interview and give you time to adapt to a new communication style. Tips to consider are:

  • Smile when introducing yourself to the employer.
  • Keep your head up and relax your shoulders.
  • Eye contact is important, so choose a seated position that allows for strong eye contact.
  • When the employer speaks, nod your head to show you are listening.
  • Thank the employer for their time and consideration at the end of the interview.

Send a thank you email after, or follow-up with a phone call 

Sending a thank-you email or following up with a phone call afterward has become customary. You should thank the employer for their time and mention a few specific things about the interview you enjoyed. This allows you to continue to make a good impression on your potential employer and show them that you are very interested in the position.

Be Yourself!  

Interviews can feel intimidating, but the important thing to remember is that you are interested in the company for a reason, and to let that excitement and passion shine through! If you get nervous, think of it as a two-way exchange of information. They are interviewing you, but you are also interviewing them to ensure the company is a good fit for both of you. By using the tips and tricks described in this blog, you will be set up for a successful interview! We hope that as an adult with autism, you have found these tips useful, and we wish you luck with your next interview!

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