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Top 5 Books for 2018 When Your Child is Diagnosed with Autism

BlueSprig June 20, 2018

When faced with a child diagnosed with Autism, there are often so many overwhelming thoughts running through the mind of a caregiver.

We narrowed down a list of amazing resources to a few favorites that will help you. Your child diagnosed with autism navigate this new world:

  1. Thinking in Pictures: My Life With Autism by Temple Grandin
    Perhaps the most well-known person with autism, Grandin tells of her experience living with autism.
    She describes her life with details, and you’re soon deep in her world, offering you the wisdom you never thought possible.
  2. Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm 
    Ellen’s personal experiences as a parent of children with autism and ADHD. A celebrated autism author, and contributor to numerous publications, classrooms, conferences, and websites around the world.
    All these come together to create a guide for all who come in contact with a child on the autism spectrum.
  3. Autism with Heart: A Guide for Parents With Newly Diagnosed Kids by Katherine Kanaaneh
    The author not only tells you what absolutely needs to be done but adds a lot of information on the resources and agencies that you can reach out to for help with sorting it all out.
    She provides information on important services, apps, handouts, and helpful checklists and will leave you feeling positive, hopeful, energized, and a feeling that you absolutely can move forward.
  4. All My Stripes: A Story for Children with Autism by Shaina Rudolph and Danielle Royer
    This is the story of Zane, a zebra with autism, who worries that his differences make him stand out from his peers.
    With careful guidance from his mother, Zane learns that autism is only one of the many qualities that make him special.
  5. Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis: An Introduction to ABA for Parents, Teachers, and Other Professionals by Albert Kearney
    This introductory guide to ABA demystifies the basic terminology of the service and addresses the underlying principles and commonly-used procedures of ABA.
    Kearney explains the kinds of learning and reinforcement processes that form the basis of ABA programs and describes how the science of behavior analysis can be effectively applied to real-life behavior problems.