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Where in the World is Dr. Linda LeBlanc – January 2015

Joshua Sleeper January 6, 2015

The ‘Where in the World is Dr. Linda LeBlanc’ blog series follows the travels of Dr. LeBlanc, Trumpet’s Executive Director of Research & Clinical Services. Dr. LeBlanc, a licensed clinical psychologist, board certified behavior analyst, and Fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, spends considerable time traveling and presenting information on Applied Behavior Analysis research and best practices.

What’s in Store for January 2015

  • Jan. 6 – 8 | University of Houston Clear Lake – “Teaching Community Safety Skills and Personal Care Adaptive Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders”
  • Jan. 12 – 13 | Council on Autism Services 7th Annual Conference (invite only)
  • Jan. 22 – 25 | Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference – “Early Intervention for Young Children with Autism: Best Practices for Receptive Language Instruction”

Stay tuned for more updates on Dr. LeBlanc’s travels as the conference season nears!