Autism Resources

Top Autism Children’s Books 2023

BlueSprig April 3, 2023

Reading helps children develop self-awareness, confidence, and a sense of self-worth. To help celebrate Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month, our team at BlueSprig would like to share with you some of the best children’s books about autism you can read with your kids to help them see the beauty of neurodiversity. Check out our top 7 children’s books for kids with autism below!

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings

This picture book tells the story of one little boy with some big, big emotions and how he learns to see them for the gifts they are. The main character has feelings so big that they glow from his cheeks, spill out of his eyes, and jump up and down on his chest. When he hears a joke, he bursts with joy. He cries when a loud truck drives by. When his loved ones are having a hard day, he feels their emotions as if they were his own. The boy tries to cope by stuffing down his feelings, but with a little help and artistic inspiration, he realizes his feelings are something to be celebrated.

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings Book Cover

The Girl with Big, Big Questions

Celebrate the spirit of curiosity and the joy of learning with this lively picture book about a persistent girl and her quest for knowledge. “Why can’t people live on the moon?”, “What happens to stars when they fall?” These are just some of the questions that bubble forth from one little girl with twinkling eyes and a curious mind. When the girl finds that her big questions make some people uncomfortable, she stops. But then she learns that her questions can solve problems and that asking questions is how we learn and grow.

The Girl with Big, Big Questions Cover

Different – A Great Thing to Be!

This joyful rhyming book encourages children to value the “different” in all people, leading the way to a kinder world in which the differences in all of us are celebrated and embraced. The main character, Macy, is a girl who’s a lot like you and me, but she’s also quite different, which is a great thing to be. With kindness, grace, and bravery, Macy finds her place in the world, bringing beauty and laughter wherever she goes and leading others to find delight in the unique design of every person.

Different – A Great Thing to Be! Cover

When Things Get Too Loud: A Story About Sensory Overload

This is a story about sensory overload, how it feels, what can trigger it and what may help. The Feel-O-Meter provides the child and parents with a visual guide through emotions, and the book comes with ideas to cope with overwhelming situations. The story follows main character, Bo, who uses his Feel-O-Meter to help with different noises, smells, and sounds in a world that can be an overwhelming place.

When Things Get Too Loud: A Story About Sensory Overload Cover

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin

When young Temple was diagnosed with autism, no one expected her to talk, let alone become one of the most powerful voices in modern science. Yet, the determined visual thinker did just that. Her unique mind allowed her to connect with animals in a special way, helping her invent groundbreaking improvements for farms around the globe. If you’ve ever felt different, if you’ve ever been low, if you don’t quite fit in, there’s a name you should know, Dr. Temple Grandin, one of the world’s quirkiest science heroes!

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures Cover

Neurodiversity! What’s That?

This book is a fun introduction to neurodiversity written by a neurodivergent mom aiming to improve the self-esteem and confidence of children with autism. It defines keywords and ideas, such as how different brain types don’t have to be viewed as disorders while not underestimating the challenges of thinking and learning differences. This book contains many positive messages, and it can also help parents navigate the world and language of neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity! What’s That? Cover

Soy un Superheroe Autista / I am an Autistic Superhero

The focus of this book is to provide information to children and families about the characteristics of autism and how behavior can be different than normal behavior. Jose is a boy with autism and enjoys playing with toys like any other child, but certain superheroes are his favorite. He also has many other favorite things to do and will take you on a journey of his life! Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand autism. This illustrated children’s book helps teach and tell these things with simple wording while understanding Jose’s likes and dislikes, including what has helped Jose and his parents over the years.

Soy un Superheroe Autista/I am an Autistic Superhero Cover

We hope you enjoy these books and share them with your loved ones. BlueSprig is excited to celebrate Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month with you this April with these children’s books picks! Tag us on social at @bluesprigautism and let us know which book was your favorite. Happy reading!