Autism Resources

Top Autism Blogs of 2023

BlueSprig April 10, 2023

For Autism Acceptance and Awareness Month, we have compiled a list of the top autism blogs for 2023! These blogs include tips, personal experiences, and resources that loved ones of a person with autism can read and relate to.

Disclaimer: These bloggers were chosen for their firsthand experience with an individual with autism and their knowledge of autism. We’ve not listed them in any order, and they are not affiliated with BlueSprig in any way. We hope you enjoy them and find them helpful!

The Art of Autism

This uplifting blog has a variety of posts made by people on the autism spectrum. This project allows people to submit their own videos, writing, art, and book reviews for anyone to read and relate to.

The Sensory Spectrum

This blog is for parents looking to find a community that can relate to the obstacles they are going through when having a child with autism. Bloggers can share their experiences, tips, and resources with other parents to create a one-stop-shop for everything autism related.

The Mom Kind

Alicia Trautwein is the creator of The Mom Kind. She writes about what it is like having a child with autism while sharing her personal struggles. This blog walks through her daily life as a parent with a child with autism and gives other parents advice on navigating the world of autism.

Hi Blog, I’m Dad!

James Guttman is a father of two children with autism. He has one nonverbal son and one verbal son. His blog takes the reader through the diagnosing process all the way to where his family is today. He celebrates autism and preaches how important accepting the autism community is while talking about his experience being a dad of two children on the autism spectrum.

The AWEnesty of Autism

Kathy Hooven created The AWEnesty of Autism to showcase her and her friend’s life as mothers of children with autism. This blog goes in-depth about the challenges that they have faced. However, it also highlights the love and laughter that their kids have provided them throughout their lives.