Autism Resources Blog

Poison Awareness Week Starts March 20th

Joshua Sleeper March 9, 2022

Tips from the Trumpet Academy Preschool for Keeping Your Child Out of Harm’s Way

Poison Awareness week is March 20-26th and Trumpet Academy’s Team Members have come together to provide the following helpful hints on how to prevent your child from getting into harmful items.

  1. Always make sure your poisons or cleaning supplies are up out of the reach of children. Always keep in mind children may use chairs, stools, or other items to climb to reach your chemicals. If you think it’s out of reach, double and triple-check!
  1. Household items such as antibacterial wipes or hand sanitizers can still harm your child if they put them in their mouth or ingest them. Make sure these items are out of reach as well.
  1. Check purses, diaper bags, or other handbags to make sure medications and other items are not available to your child. At Trumpet Academy, we do not allow medications. Talk to your child’s school if you pack medications in your child’s backpack so that staff may properly store them.
  1. Part of being in compliance with Community Care Licensing requires that we have all chemicals and other cleaning agents double-locked away from our preschoolers. Take a look around the house and see if you can find a safe place to store your cleaners or possibly add double locks to any existing cabinet.
  1. Make sure all cleaning agents and chemicals are stored away from food items or where food preparation is conducted. Nationwide Children discusses more information about storing products and poison-proofing your home.
  1. Always have your local poison control number handy or posted. The toll-free poison control center is 800-222-1222. If you believe your child has come in contact with any poisons, be sure to take them to your nearest Emergency Room right away.
  1. Check out this link for more helpful tools for you to keep your children safe from poisons.

We hope this information on poison awareness is both informative and helpful. Trumpet Behavioral Health wants the best for your family and a safe home environment is a great place to start!